Baseline Survey for Rural Development Program in Tuyen Quang Province

The Project “Rural Area Development Program in Tuyen Quang Province” funded by KOIKA, partner government, beneficiaries' contribution and other donor the project is implemented within 60 months from 2019 to 2023. The project overall objective is to inclusively and sustainably develop Tuyen Quang's rural areas for improved quality of life for local people, inclusive of the ethnic minorities (EM) and people of vulnerable groups. The objectives of this baseline survey are:

  • To study and analyze socio-economic situations in Tuyen Quang province
  • To survey on the values of the base-line indicators for comparing the main result with an end-line survey for performance management
  • To monitor indicators by a performance-based framework, which will be created after the baseline survey.

The “quasi-experimental method” was used to apply to assess the causal impact of a project, and a control group will also be identified and studied alongside the treatment group. Totally, DEPOCEN conducted quantitative interviews with 400 households in 20 communes in Tuyen Quang.