Name of assignment/project: “Cluster Mid-Term Evaluation of Better Factories Cambodia, Better Work Indonesia and Better Work Vietnam”
Year: 2020
Location: Hanoi
Client: ILO (The International Labour Organization)
Main project features:
Better Work (BW) is a unique global partnership program between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Launched in February 2007, it aims to improve labour standards and competitiveness in the global garment supply chain by assessing workplace conditions and advising and training factories through a process of continuous improvement with a goal of improving the lives of workers in 8 countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Jordan, Lethoso, Nicaragua, Haiti and Vietnam.
Better Work Vietnam (BWV) was first piloted for a period of two years from 2009 to 2011 in the South of Vietnam and later expanded to the whole country during the second phase (January 2013 to December 2016) and BWV commenced its third phase in 2016. The projects share the same overall aim to improve compliance with labour standards in the apparel sector and enhance the competitive position of enterprises within the global supply chain.
The mid-term independent evaluation serves four (4) main purposes:
(i) Give an independent assessment of progress to date of BWV against their log frames; assessing performance as per the targets and indicators of achievement at output level, strategies and implementation modalities chosen, partnership arrangements, constraints and opportunities in Programme Countries;
(ii) Provide strategic and operational recommendations to the ILO, Tripartite Constituents and programme stakeholders on whether the current programme strategy for each of the Programmes is working,
(iii) Identify good practices and highlight lessons learned that would contribute to learning and knowledge development for each Programme and stakeholders;
(iv) Measures in place to monitor and capture impact of the Programmes; and assess the relevance of the sustainability strategy, its progress, and identifying the processes to be continued by stakeholders.
The evaluation conducts 33 Key informant interviews with BWV’s stakeholders including: BWV staffs, BW regional and global, National and Provincal Project Advisory Committee (PAC), Factories, Training participants, Social partners, Buyers/Brands.
Activities performed: Support in conducting literature review, Support in setting up and take part in in-depth interviews to take notes